July 28, 2017
Josephine R never doubted where she would come for rehabilitation therapy after an illness landed her in the hospital, that’s because her granddaughter, Jenny Niece is the Marketing Director! Josephine came to us willing and ready to do all the hard work necessary to get back home. She came from a disciplined background; having served in the Marines for 3 years, then went Army, followed by going civilian but continued to work with the Army Reserve. Josephine admitted to Kenwood with a function level of 1.6 and was able to increase that to an 8.8 (based on a 1-10 scale) upon discharge to home. Josephine knew if her granddaughter worked here it had to be a great place but she says, “After experiencing Kenwood and all of the wonderful staff first hand, I’ll be back here anytime I need this service! Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard to make me happy and healthy!” *Source: Reliant Rehabilitation Outcome Summary